In today’s blog, we will discuss the top benefits of React Native and what the future holds for this framework.

Why is react native still popular among developers? It has been more than five years since React Native launched, and it has gained a lot of hype and continues to be an effective platform for mobile app development.  

An open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook, Inc, React Native is written entirely in JavaScript using React. As JavaScript continues to be one of the most popular and used programming languages in the world it is what gives React Native an edge. Another aspect is that finding developers to code in JavaScript is easier and hence learning React Native is straightforward for any JavaScript developer.

Here are the top 8 benefits of React Native.

#1 Cost of Development

For a start-up developing a mobile app has to be a calculated decision given the fact money plays a major role. If you have your target audience on both Android and iOS platforms, then a cross-platform mobile app is the right approach, and React Native can help you achieve it at minimum cost.

Due to the code reusability service React Native saves up to 40% of the total development cost.

#2 TTM- Time to Market

Time to market is the period it takes from a product being conceived until it’s being available for sale, in the current case, the mobile app. The app’s success depends on time-to-market. To enter the market at the earliest, launching for both iOS and Android can be a smart move. And building the app on React Native cuts the delay.

#3 After-Launch Upgrades

If you have scheduled after launch upgrades for your mobile app, investing in native development is fruitful. The cost of native development is on the higher side.

The only downfall is if you don’t forecast forthcoming updates. Visualize the future of your mobile app before finalizing the framework.

#4 Instant Live Updates

Since JavaScript is widely used, the app developers can push updates straight to the users’ phone and not necessarily through the app update cycle. Not only it’s great for users but the entire process is also faster, simple, and streamlined.

#5 React Native Apps are Faster

React Native uses JavaScript-based declaration programming models that result in a clean, simple, and easy to acknowledge code. This helps build a highly responsive and fluid app user interface controlling asynchronous JavaScript interactions with the native environment. Further, the app loads faster in comparison to a hybrid app.

#6 Write the code once and use it Everywhere 

One of the best unbeatable advantages of using React Native is that the code, written once, can be used in every mobile platform, including iOS, Android, Windows, etc. No need to write separate codes for iOS in Swift or Java for Android or C# for Windows.

#7 Hot Reloading

Hot Reloading helps developers inject new versions of the files and simultaneously keep the app running. There is no loss of data, and the state of the app is not affected, even if you are making minor changes in the UI. 

#8 Similar Architecture

React Native provides the same benefits as React.JS in terms of the modular and interactive interface that is easier for ‘React Native’ developers to work with. Given the flexible environment, developers can update web apps, and the testers can easily follow the code logic to build testing scenarios. 

Another benefit of React Native is that it extends the facility from web app to mobile app and vice versa. 

Read our blog about ReactNative Vs Flutter Vs Xamarin, which is the best cross-platform development?

Famous Companies that shifted to React Native Development

  • Walmart- Online Retailer

The giant chain has always looked into ways to continuously enhance the customer experience. React Native offers stunning performance and smooth animations similar to native apps.

  • Bloomberg- Global Business and Finance News

With the help of React Native, developers of Bloomberg can automate code refreshing simultaneously accelerating the release of new product features. The app reloads instantly without having to recompile.

  • Instagram- Social Media Platform

By choosing to switch to React Native, the Instagrams’ development team stated that it considerably improved developer velocity. Another advantage is that around 85-99% of code is shared between iOS and Android Apps.

Other giants using React Native are Facebook, Tesla, Skype, Uber Eats, AirbnbPinterest, and the list is long!

The Future of React Native Mobile App Development

The unique advantages mentioned above are what will help React Native stay one step ahead of the competition and makes the future look promising.

Additionally, React Native is working on an energetic large-scale project called Fabric. The aim is to make React Native more amenable and Fabric will further help RN framework blend with hybrid JavaScript-based infrastructure.

With Fabric the developers are outlining three significant changes that fuel the ReactNative growth in the future. These changes are

  • New threading model–  instead of allowing each UI update to work on three separate threads, Fabric will enable developers to call synchronously into JavaScript on any given thread. Reducing the stress on the main thread without compromising responsiveness.
  • Async rendering capabilities-Under this change, the React Native will have async rendering capabilities. Therefore, making it easier  to handle asynchronous data, and further, allow multiple rendering priorities
  • Simplified bridge– Developers are planning to build a fresh simplified bridge, which will improve the direct calling between JavaScript and native. Besides, it will further simplify in building various debugging tools.


Given the benefits of React Native, it indeed has a bright future, also thanks to an increase in the number of smartphone users and therefore leading to an increase in the number of mobile applications.

There will be 3.5 billion smartphone users in 2020 and the number will rise to 3.8 billion. This gives an ample opportunity for the mobile app market to grow exponentially.

If you are looking for React Native mobile app developers, Orafox has a team of developers skilled in the React Native framework. We have years of experience to back our success rate and we thrive on challenging projects.
We help you hire React Native Developers depending on the specific needs of your project, be it on an hourly basis, you have that privilege.

So contact us today and let us build you a successful mobile application for both iOS and Android.